A new feature in the msn messenger

Hi guys, I just discovered a new feature in the latest beta of MSN7 which called "What I'm Listening To".

"What I'm Listening To" adds the song name and artist name of the MP3/WMA you are currently playing in Windows Media Player to your MSN Messenger when chatting. It seems to work with other players such as Foobar as well, but you need to install a separate plug-in to get it to work.

To activate this feature, open the main MSN Messenger window where all your contacts are displayed and click Tools | Options and make sure the "Show song information from Windows Media Player as a personal message" is checked. Then click OK to save the setting. On my notebook, I also had to activate the "MSN Messenger Music plugin" in Windows Media Player: Tools | Plug-ins | MSN Messenger Music plugin.

Have fun!

Plug-in for Foobar2000 v8.0 (7.13 KB)